DUE TO n-Propyl bromide now being included in Annex 14 of REACH
EnviroTech Europe Ltd (ETE) continue to publish it as historical information and to record changes occurring in legislation which have affected decisions on formulations and equipment used in vapour degreasing - the most effective, quickest, flexible and cheapest cleaning system used in industry.
EnSolv® invented and patented by EnviroTech has been a market leader all over the world for vapour degreasing. It is based on n-bromopropane (nPB) which now cannot be used as a vapour degreaser within the UK or EU without authorisation.
Archived information about EnSolv® can be found using the Discontinued Products & Resources navigation menu on this page.
Using experience accumulated over 40 years supplying and supporting users of the vapour degreasing process ETE specialists have developed “drop in” alternatives:
ProSolv®, ProSolv5408e® and EnSolv CC-A® give the same or improved level of performance and economy as the original EnSolv® products.
Please contact our advisers who are available to discuss your needs and propose the best replacement product.
Or please click here to return to our vapour degreasing products homepage for information about our current products.

EnSolv vapour degreasing solvents distributed by EnviroTech Europe Ltd has been used over the last 30 years by hundreds of companies and for thousands of different applications.
With the unique stabiliser/inhibitor system giving stability and long life for degreasing tanks, reducing maintenance costs and low solvent losses EnSolv is very widely used and approved. Intense worldwide competition needs very tight control of manufacturing costs. EnSolv vapour degreasing solvents gives our users a tried and tested, economical product with the lowest operating costs.
n-Propyl Bromide (nPb) update
For more than 30 years n-Propyl Bromide (nPB) has offered users a safer solvent as a replacement for the carcinogen trichloroethylene as customers using EnSolv will know. Unfortunately, European legislation has set a “sunset date” for the use of nPB, the solvent used as the base material for EnSolv. The inclusion of nPB into Annex XIV has been challenged in the European Court by our supplier, the only manufacturer in the EU. EnviroTech Europe Ltd have always sourced from this consistently high quality manufacturer rather than search out cheaper often lower quality alternatives from Asia.
The Court was very receptive to all the points made. Despite our firm belief that the inclusion of nPB into Annex XIV was not carried out on the basis of all available evidence and we expected a decision earlier, this has been delayed until later in the year. EnviroTech will inform all clients of the outcome as soon as the decision is known.
Just in case EnviroTech are moving forward.
EnviroTech Europe are in the final stages of development of some new and exciting “drop in” cost effective replacements for all our valued customers old and new.
EnSolv CC-A a unique blend of dichloromethane with surfactants for improved cleaning and lifting of surface soils.
ProSolv a new formulation based on 1,2 trans-dichloroethylene with further developments in our laboratories of other blends to complement the range.
If a change is needed these products are available with full technical advice and support to give the same economical, high quality vapour degreasing and service for uninterrupted production. Details are available on our website.
As specialists in cleaning technology our new Aquus CL-One water based general cleaning solution is a game changer for manufacturing industry, petrochemicals, aviation and institutions with one product, safe on all substrates, for removal of oils, grease and odours.
Don’t Panic.
If you are using EnSolv products now, contact our sales team to discuss “nPB sunset data” we have the information you need to help you prepare and to change to the most economical best alternative. Not using EnSolv! get in touch anyway, our expertise is free and it will probably be to your advantage.
Go to for further information on our vapour degreasing solvents or e-mail us for help and advice from our technical service engineers.
We can provide you with a Material Safety Data Sheets, independent laboratory reports, product samples and technical assistance.
For more information or advice please telephone us on +44 (0) 20 8281 6370 or use our contact form.
All products are supplied and supported by EnviroTech Europe Ltd. Manufactured in the United Kingdom and available on short delivery times through our dedicated team of distributors worldwide.
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