Highly stabilised Perchloroethylene based vapour degreasing solvent for precision cleaning
A low-cost, perchloroethylene based, drop-in alternative to trichloroethylene (TCE). It will easily remove contaminants such as oil, grease, lubricants, buffing compounds, and coolant residues.
ProSolv® PCE is suitable for most vapour degreasing applications and compatible with most machines.
ProSolv® PCE can be used to degrease all common metals, and it is the preferred solvent for cleaning metals that stain or corrode easily such as aluminium, magnesium, zinc, brass and their alloys.
ProSolv® PCE is intended for use in in open-top and vacuum vapour degreasers. It is not recommended for manual cleaning or highly emissive immersion cleaning equipment.
Vapour degreaser operation is simple. The parts are lowered into the degreaser until immersed into a sump of boiling solvent. The parts then move into a rinse sump that may contain ultrasonics. After the immersion rinse cycle is complete, the parts are raised into a solvent vapour for a final vapour rinse. Finally, the parts flash dry when pulled past chilled coils. Typical cleaning times are 15 minutes or less.
ProSolv® PCE can be used in existing vapour degreasing equipment but as with any vapour degreasing chemistry, emission control retrofits are recommended to reduce vapour losses and minimize worker exposure. EnviroTech Europe Ltd provides an Alkalinity & AAV Test-Kit for their customers that use ProSolv® PCE for metal degreasing applications.
EnviroTech Europe Ltd has been selling vapour degreasing solvents for decades and we are experts in precision cleaning. We fully support using ProSolv® PCE with the vapour degreasing process and equipment evaluation to, ensure that customers obtain optimal cleaning results while reducing running costs and maintaining the highest possible environmental and safety standards.
- Drop-In Replacement for Trichloroethylene (TCE) and other vapour degreasing solvents.
- High boiling point (121°C). Provides increased solvency, reduces solvent loss from vapour degreasers.
- Strong solvency results in short cycle times, which increases productivity.
- Excellent cleaning performance, even on complex geometries and tight clearances which is nearly impossible with aqueous cleaners.
- Parts exit the machine dry and spot-free which improves productivity and reduces cost.
- Not classified as a VOC in the USA.
- High load capacity for oil, wax and other residues.
- Specially stabilised to enhance and provide a longer bath life.
- A preferred solvent for cleaning metals that stain or corrode easily such as aluminium, magnesium, zinc, brass and their alloys.
- Non-flammable (No Flash Point).
- Manufactured in the UK from premium quality feed stocks.
- Please consult product Safety Data Sheet for further information.
ProSolv® PCE is available in the following container sizes and weights:
- 332kg drums (205 litre)
- 32.6kg (20 litre) cans.
Containers are filled by weight. Volume in litres is approximate.
Store in tightly closed original container in a well-ventilated place. Store at ambient temperatures and out of direct sunlight.
Thirty-six (36) months when it is stored in its original, sealed container per the recommended storage conditions. Product can be inspected for recertification after the initial thirty-six (36) months from the date of manufacture.
Customer service and technical support provided from qualified distributors worldwide. We can supply Safety Data Sheets, independent laboratory reports, product samples and further assistance. For more information or advice please contact us by telephone on +44 (0) 20 8281 6370 or use our contact form.
All vapour degreasing solvents are supplied and supported by EnviroTech Europe Ltd. Manufactured in the United Kingdom and available on short delivery times through our dedicated team of distributors worldwide.
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