Designed for cleaning solder flux residue, acts a direct replacement for 3M™ Novec™ 71DA
A vapour degreasing solvent cleaning blend with excellent cleaning capacity and a low environmental impact.
ProSolv®71 TDA is a hydrofluoroether, methyl nonafluorobutyl ether (C₄F₉OCH₃), in an azeotrope formulation with trans-1,2-dichloroethylene (t- DCE) and ethanol. This mixture is a true azeotrope, with constant vapor and liquid composition at its boiling point.
ProSolv®71 TDA fluid has improved solvency and low surface tension, as well as being non-flammable and maintaining a constant composition while boiling, which makes it suitable for immersion defluxing and degreasing. Moreover, the ethanol component of ProSolv®71 TDA fluid enhances the elimination of ionic contaminants.

ProSolv®71 TDA is a direct replacement for 3M™ Novec™ 71DA engineered fluid

- Suitable for immersion defluxing and degreasing applications.
- Increased solvency and low surface tension for effective cleaning.
- Non-flammable, making it safer to use than many solvents.
- Ethanol component enhances removal of ionic contaminants.
- True azeotrope with constant vapor and
liquid composition at its boiling point. - Mid-range boiling point (40°C).
- Zero Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP).
- Environmentally favourable properties,
making it a sustainable solution.
- Cleaning, rinsing and drying agent.
- Cleaning of oils, greases, waxes, handling oils and solder flux residue.
- Immersion defluxing and degreasing.
- Non-flammable (No Flash Point).
- Highly resistant to thermal breakdown.
- Please consult product Safety Data Sheet for further information.
ProSolv®71 TDA is available in the following container sizes and weights:
- 15 kg cans.
- 254 kg cans.
Store in tightly closed original container in a well-ventilated place. Store at ambient temperatures and out of direct sunlight.
Minimum 24 months shelf life.
Customer service and technical support provided from qualified distributors worldwide. We can supply Safety Data Sheets, independent laboratory reports, product samples and further assistance. For more information or advice please contact us by telephone on +44 (0) 20 8281 6370 or use our contact form.
All vapour degreasing solvents are supplied and supported by EnviroTech Europe Ltd. Manufactured in the United Kingdom and available on short delivery times through our dedicated team of distributors worldwide.
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